Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Order Today! Mercenary Pig #1: Meatcutter! Now in Previews

Tom Arvis' legendary hero and indie favorite Mercenary Pig can now be ordered from February's Previews, under Aazurn Publishing, FEB140868!

A video preview of Mercenary Pig #1: Meatcutter, online at, offers a look at the bizarre circumstances leading to Mercenary Pig's battle with the sinister Meatcutter. Watch as Percy the Pig begins his guerrilla fight for animal rights -- with his fists!

Mercenary Pig #1: Meatcutter is a fun, full-color read, full of pork humor and over the top action, all in Tom's in your face drawing style! Once again, Aazurn Publishing proves INDIES RULE!

Gary Scott Beatty
Grand Poobah
Indie Comics Magazine

Order Tom Arvis' Mercenary Pig #1: Meatcutter! in February 2014's Previews comic book catalog, under Aazurn Publishing!

Order Indie Comics Magazine #8 in April 2014's Previews comic book catalog, under Aazurn Publishing!

Order the comic book retailer story Number One in July 2014's Previews comic book catalog, under Aazurn Publishing!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Entire Origin Told for the First Time in Mercenary Pig #1: Meatcutter!

Tom Arvis' legendary hero and indie favorite Mercenary Pig is now presented in one complete, full color volume! Mercenary Pig #1: Meatcutter is listed for order in February's Previews under Aazurn Publishing.

Creator, writer and illustrator Tom Arvis is a 20-plus-year veteran in the field of independent self-publishing. Beginning with Cowboys and Aliens, a 16-page black and white ashcan comic (currently published under the title Wayout West and available on Amazon), Tom established Sureshot Comics, his independent label, in 1995.

Mercenary Pig #1: Meatcutter prints the hero's origin story, presented for the first time in its entirety and in full color. A walking, talking, thinking, humanoid pig takes on animal cruelty, genetically modified pigs, and, ultimately, an evil food conglomerate.

"It's a pork-humor filled, action packed origin story!" laughed Arvis. New material wraps up the entire Meatcutter story arc in these 48 pages, as Percy the pig begins his guerrilla fight for animal rights -- with his fists!

"Mercenary Pig popped into my head full-blown, and fully realized, and his adventures immediately began writing themselves, as the best ideas often do," Arvis explained.

"Other than showing xeroxed copies at comic shows, Percy did not see publication until I redrew, re-inked and re-lettered the first eight pages for the lead featurette in my 2001 black and white, ashcan, anthology comic book, Adolescent Power Fantasies #1, followed by eight more pages in APF #2 in 2005, and then 16 pages in APF #3 in 2009, all published through my Sureshot Comics label."

The Aazurn Publishing book for order in February's Previews "is the only place you can view the 16-page conclusion to this spectacular character's astonishing origin," said Arvis.

"Mercenary Pig #1: Meatcutter has humor and action, and a kind of chaotic, in your face style that makes it fun to read," said Aazurn Publisher Gary Scott Beatty. "Readers tired of the same old thing from comic book conglomerates should add Aazurn Publishing to their pull list. We print just a handful of gems a year, and Mercenary Pig #1 should not be missed."

A video preview of Mercenary Pig #1: Meatcutter, online at, offers a look at the bizarre circumstances leading to Mercenary Pig's battle with the sinister Meatcutter. Mercenary Pig #1: Meatcutter is listed for order in February's Previews under Aazurn Publishing.