Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Legend Killer Debuts in Indie Comics Magazine's Spring Issue

Keith Frederick Robinson's new Legend Killer leaps into action, knives flying and silver bullets blazing, in Indie Comics Magazine's Spring Issue, scheduled for preorder in Diamond's April 2012 Previews under Aazurn Publishing.

Robinson will debut The Legend Killer May 25 through 27 at Traverse City, Michigan's Cherry Capital Con and online digitally, with the help of Jethro Morales, Tyler Sowles, MaGnUs and Nick Caldwell, but Indie Comics Magazine will be the first in-print appearance of the new character.

The Legend Killer was always intended for straight forward action adventure stories, Robinson explained. "I never wanted a complex plot to lose focus of the goal. He kills and he never talks, which gives the artists a real chance to shine."

That artist, Jethro Morales, developed his drawings skills on cartoon animation in various studios in the Philippines, on animated films such as Curious George, The Little Mermaid, One Piece, Monster Allergy and many more. Through storyboard work he explored camera angles and layout procedures. Comic books with several indie companies lead to Morales' work with Image Comics.

Morales' stark shadows work beautifully in Indie Comics Magazine's quality black and white format, forming a fluidity and grittiness Robinson intended for The Legend Killer. "I wanted to create a character that not only kills vampires and werewolves, but also big foot, leprechauns, gargoyles, chupacabra -- any creature that's from an urban legend needs to fear this character."

Arcana Studios picked up the rights to Robinson's Modern Hood in 2009. "The idea for that really came from a girl. She told me her favorite film was the Kevin Coster's Robin Hood. When I want to impress a girl, I write a story for her. This one got picked up, though!" The original graphic novel is in development.

"I really wanted to tell a Robin Hood story set in a modern world and grounded, somewhat, in reality. Because it has a clear superhero feel the task was to separate it from Green Arrow and Hawkeye. He'll never fight supervillians and he'll remain an urban legend fighting for the small guys and terrifying the poor."

In 2011 he self published Growing Pains under the 11/88 Studios banner, a story about a son’s journey for justice. "It was planned as three different self contained stories with different art teams," laughed Robinson. "It's now one story instead of three, but you can still see three chapters from three teams."

"The Legend Killer works really well in our format of done-in-one stories," said Indie Comics Magazine Publisher Gary Scott Beatty. "As with all our stories, short biographies and contact information are included so readers can easily seek out more of the creators' work." Keith Frederick Robinson can be followed at 11-88-studios.blogspot.com and facebook.com/1188Studios.

Indie Comics Magazine's Spring Issue will feature eight complete stories, from creators as diverse as Terry Cronin (Students of the Unusual), Eisner and Harvey nominee Douglas Paszkiewicz (Mad magazine), Australia's Paul Bradford (Undercurrent) and Italian creator Maddalena Carrai (Creepy Gaga).

An alternate cover from Douglas Paszkiewicz will receive limited distribution through comic shops as well, said Beatty. "Arsenic Lullaby is Pasz's comedy that is too twisted for Mad. Expect that kind of cover!"

Indie Comics Magazine is 64 pages of the best story and art from today's independent comic book creators. No huge overprint, no digital version, no back issue sales, April's Previews under Aazurn Publishing is the ONLY way comic readers can get Indie Comics Magazine's Spring Issue! Visit Indie Comics Magazine online at Indie Comics Magazine.com.